Kooz's IDLT (Instructional Design and Learning Technology) blog describes the journey of my thoughts as I get my MA in IDLT.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Rendleman Math

In order to do Rendleman justice, I needed to make sure it's proportions were correct and measure things out a bit. On my second survey, I wanted to test my theories, but silly me, I forgot any sort of measuring tool. No fear! I used my trusty iPhone, and used that to make crude measurements. I wasn't going for exactness, but correct proportions. However, I think I came pretty darn close to rendering it exactly. The first and second pages of notes reflect this.

Secondly, I needed to build it in world. What helped me most were several video tutorials (YouTube - Second Life Tutorial - How to use the building grid and YouTube - Noob Be Gone - Second Life Building Tutorial by NSS) and a web page by Bob Sutor. His blog, Striking the Right Chord, did just that! He had a simple equation that determined the Y or X or Z of an object if you wanted to position it next to another so that they abutted. Instead of using the in world grid (which helped a little), his equation helped immensely, and I adapted it to situations where two objects needed to be placed parallel, perpendicular, etc. the equation is:

Xobject2 = Xobject1 +/- (Width object1 + Width object2)/2.

Throughout my notes, you'll see me use this extensively. Basically, it's the sum of the width of the two objects divided in half. You then add or subtract (if you look at the prim positioning arrow, if your new object is placed away from the arrow, you subtract, and with the arrow, you add) the position of the original object. After positioning several prims, the "copy" magic wand selection helped out immensely (I got that from the second video tutorial above) because it automatically positioned linked prims along the axis you wanted to create the copy.
Well, with much ado, here's my notes.

Rendleman Math (Cont'd)

Rendleman Math (Cont'd)

Rendleman Math (Cont'd)

Last RL and SL Comparison Pictures.

These views are a bit better....I think I nailed the proportions down pretty well. There were a couple of things I missed when I first surveyed Rendleman, but caught them the second time. For example, I thought the width of the front, center facade was 22 RU's when it was actually 23 (two half windows). Same thing with the third floor interior front windows. There were 9.5RU's and not 9 RU's.

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Finish Model with Real Life Rendleman

Not bad, eh?

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Wednesday, November 14, 2007

More Progress

Second Life Vs. Real Life

It's getting closer!!
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Monday, November 12, 2007

In World Progress

Well, as you can see, I'm making good in world progress. I've finished the South East Corner (South West in Real Life) of Rendleman Hall! It looks pretty darn close to the real thing!
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Wednesday, November 07, 2007

I've started my assault on rendering Rendleman...

Practicing and testing out my proportion theories have worked very well in sketch-up. Creating a rough draft in SL has been relatively easy. Here is a picture of Rendleman in RL then SL...

Final Sketchups Before Building It in SL

The back of Rendleman...The front left...
The rear, left side near the student center...
Another view of the front...

Well, it's going to be very hard to work within the 10x10 limitations SL has...well, I think the componets (the windows, etc) will be easy, but making sure it's all on the same level will be a challenge....