Kooz's IDLT (Instructional Design and Learning Technology) blog describes the journey of my thoughts as I get my MA in IDLT.

Friday, September 10, 2010


Just some thoughts on the learners. There are three main demographics for the this learning: from my experience FLL (and FIRST in general) attracts professionals, college students, and retirees. All of these groups come from a workplace or home environment that is science and/or technology related. Not all are engineers or scientists, but more than likely, they work with, live with, or want to be an engineer or scientist. This is a great demographic for an iPhone application solution: it's tech friendly, portable, and very user friendly. For the professionals, studying FLL rules in their spare time is facilitated by having a portable app. Also a note on gender: FLL volunteers in general are pretty evenly divided, but referees tend towards male (60-70% based on my observations).

A. Professionals
i. Limited time
ii. Highly capable
iii. Needs to work well with children
iv. Variable tech savvy (usually above average)
v. Variable FIRST experience

B. College Students
i. Very tech savvy
ii. Time to spare
iii. Needs to work well with children
iv. Variable FIRST experience

C. Retirees (more likely to be engineers)
i. Variable tech savvy (higher than what one would expect of most retirees, but lower than the professionals)
ii. Time to spare
iii. Needs to work well with children
iv. Variable first experience


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